Sunday, July 13, 2008

Adam Sessler is the Saviour to Gaming

Adam shows Jack Thompson that video games do not cause real world violence and that the real issues are more important. Jack Thompson is a person who doesn't know what he is talking about and doesn't do research besides looking at one study. The guy who is the middle man proves the same points as Adam Sessler, but from a parent's perspective.

I don't know who Elliot Spitzer is but Adam insults them about criticizing video games.

Researchers tell the true facts about violent video games and how they don't affect adolescent/child behavior, take that Jack Thompson.

1 comment:

John said...

Great video posts. I absolutely HATE Jack Thompson and think you and I should go bludgeon him to death with copies of Counter-Strike.

Fucking moron...

Those authors of the book "Grand Theft Childhood" were pretty awesome. I elevate their status to just under the great Sess man.