So I've seen Home Alone, Ferris Beuller's Day Off, Breakfast Club, and Sixteen Candles. Those are all great John Hughes movies, but nothing compares to Weird Science. Weird Science is by far the best John Hughes movie and now one of my favorite movies. It's about two nerds that are very unpopular that create a girl using their computer. They initially create the girl for mainly sexual reasons, but the girl ends up teaching them a lot about life and changes them for the better. As usual John Hughes has casted Anthony Michael Hall as one of the main nerd characters. The other nerd is played by Ilan Mitchell-Smith, his brother is played by Bill Paxton. I don't really know what to say about the movie and why I think it's one of the greatest movies ever, but I just love it. The only real bad part is what happens to Chet (Bill Paxton's character) in the end of the movie because it's cheesy and disgusting, but it works. Anyone who's a nerd/geek will love this movie because it's one of the few movies where the nerds/geeks become the cool people and they don't have to turn into a superhero or anything. It's like Revenge of the Nerds gone John Hughes. I think they filmed part of it in Lake Forest, IL too... which is near me... which is awesome. So yeah, like I said, I don't know what to really say about the movie, but it's just one of the best movies ever. Definitely pick it up!

1 comment:
Sounds cool, I'll have to watch it sometime.
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