The Dark Forces/Jedi Knight series is by far the best series of Star Wars games out there. Dark Forces was awesome, Jedi Knight was phenomenal because now you were a Jedi, and Jedi Outcast was... well... not up to par. From the start it was pretty difficult. You could be in a storage locker and they'd throw the entire Imperial army at you (mind you I was playing on Padawan difficulty). The Imperial army would run around like idiots like they tend to do, making it impossible to kill them. What makes the battles even harder is the fact that some stormtroopers are armed with missile launchers and... I guess it's a grenade launcher (the Flechette). The first boss battle you fight you are actually SUPPOSED to get your ass handed to you, which I had no idea. Another B.S. moment is that while the entire Imperial army is thrown at you in a storage locker, you come to a hangar filled with roughly ten Imperials and Kyle says something along the lines of, "I don't have enough fire power to take them all out. Stealth would be a wise choice." I'm sitting there in utter shock because you've been taking on a billion enemies in a room and now when there are hardly any enemies Kyle flips out and thinks it would be a better idea to use stealth. That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Another thing that really got to me was how they hid critical passages (i.e. ventilation shafts) and how the critical buttons you had to use were hidden in with the decoration buttons. I hated how they once again restocked your arsenal, that's right, say bye-bye to the Stouker Concussion Rifle and the Rail Launcher. They did make the levels long as hell, which I appreciate, however, there are very few levels which counteracts the long as hell thing.
Let's talk about the positives. The level design is pretty good despite the hidden passages/buttons. In one level you're in a hangar and you can press a button you open the hatches and if you do so you send stormtroopers flying out of the hangar screaming, great fun. In Mysteries of the Sith you can throw your lightsaber and now you still can, which is definitely a plus. The voice acting is great and so is the storyline. The places you go in the game are cool, you go to Nar Shadda (like usual) and you also hit up Cloud City, which is not only a hard level, but a fun one too.
Overall it's pretty decent, but I wouldn't really recommend it unless you were looking for a challenging game, you're a hardcore Star Wars fan, or you are very much into the Dark Forces/Jedi Knight series.
I give Jedi Outcast a 7 out of 10.
What?! Two posts in the same month?!?
15 years ago
Wow, too bad it wasn't great, but sounds like it was still cool. Makes me want to play a star wars game, OMG The Force Unleashed is going to be sooooo FRIGmnen cool when it comes out! CAN'T wait.
I KNOW! And I will be there to review it all!
...unfortunately not.
(Stupid integrated graphics card.)
Howdy Connor. Keep up the good work!
-Bob K.
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