Thursday, August 28, 2008

Triforce Origins

I haven't posted in awhile (like usual) so I figure I'd post this find that I discovered last year.

Most of us are familiar with the triforce seen in Legend of Zelda, but where does it come from? Well back in the 1500s there were a couple samurai named Hojo Ujiyasu and Hojo Tsunanari. I use both of their names because I am unclear as to who used it first. Anyways, both samurai had flags that displayed the triforce:

They also displayed this flag in their castles:

So that's where the triforce symbol originated. Whether Miyamoto knew about this or not is beyond me.

[Pictures from]
You can find out more about the Hojo Clan by going here:

1 comment:

John said...

Ah, Interesting info. Thanks for digging that up.