So I finally got to play LSD: Dream Emulator. It is extremely boring and extremely strange. As you start up the game you get an unnecessarily long intro that is trippy as hell. Once you actually play the game you hear the fun music and the annoying clicks of your footsteps. Walk into any object or wall and you'll be transported to another area. A couple times I was transported to a city area. The first time I was transported there I was shot by some guy and sent to another area. The second time I was there I saw some red car speed down the road and fly into a river. It was pretty funny to see something as random as that. As I wondered the city I saw planes fly by and soon spacecraft. Then I came upon some lady wearing a pink dress. She was simply standing there and I wanted to be transported to a new area so I casually strolled up to her and she disappeared only to reappear a few feet away. I walked up to her again and the same thing happened. So I ran up to her and this time she turned to me, bowed, and did something that I missed. This time I was transported to a new area. There was a building and a person standing in front of the building. The person was simply a giant head with arms and legs. After my dream lasted for a good long while I purposefully walked off a cliff to end the dream. At the end of every dream they grade you on how static/dynamic and how upper/downer the dream was. Overall I say get the game because it's a rare gem to have, but if you're looking for something to last a long time I would not recommend this.
I give LSD: Dream Emulator an 8... out of 10.
What?! Two posts in the same month?!?
15 years ago