I first heard about this thing on a message board I go to (Bentley Bros Forums). The post was about this guy who was upset about Mass Effect and how it had this lesbian scene (That showed nothing) as well as the fact that when you create a character you can edit their weight and, for females, breast sizes (which I admit is somewhat shallow). To sum it all up he was being like one of those annoying political types that are angered by anything video game related that could barely affect a child. What is it with these idiots? At first Senator what's-his-face pushed the ESRB on us. This wasn't that bad, I mean, hey at least we got a rating system right? something to tell us what age group the game is best suited for. Then here comes the Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas "Hot Coffee mod." Everyone should be familiar with this one because Hilary Clinton wouldn't shut the heck up about it. Another video game incident I heard about was that a guy in London killed his room mate and they concluded that it was because of the game Manhunt.
... WHAT THE HELL!!!!!!!
Any moron can say that. That's like if I went to school and beat up some guy and someone noticed that I had Mortal Kombat Trilogy and Tekken 5 and concluded, "Well it's obvious that Mortal Kombat and Tekken influenced his actions."
Anti-video game people piss me off because they're all the same, they think that video games are bad and that they're going to ruin our lives. Honestly, get a life, no one gives 2 bird turds about what you think.
For those of you who are unaware of how bad anti-video game people are, they would type of things like this:
Books are evil and eat your kids. Studies show that 4 out of 5 babies will die this year due to you reading books. There is also a dramatic increase in shootings because of Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six and there have also been increases in burnings and pyrotechnics due to Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451.
Sound a little strange? Think that person is crazy right? We all know that isn't true, but this is like something the anti-video game groups would make up, why?
Oh I'll tell you why...
BECAUSE THEY'RE A BUNCH OF WHINY LITTLE RUNTS WHO THINK THAT JUST BECAUSE THEY'RE OLD MEANS THEY CAN SAY VIDEO GAMES ARE BAD. They should all go and swallow the stuff under the sink or drink some kool-aid (Hope you understand the reference) because they're nothing but a stigma to America!
What?! Two posts in the same month?!?
15 years ago
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