So this idiot on Fox News says, "Who manufactures these and who's buying them?" I'll tell you who, people who love airsoft. They imply that cops will shoot anyone who has an airsoft gun out, again another stupid comment. The police will only ask to look at the gun and if you don't cooperate, most likely, they'll arrest you. These people need to do research on airsoft before they do a broadcast on it.
Any normal person that gets held up with and airsoft gun knows that it's fake because of the tiny hole in the front of the gun.
Now, these news casters are talking about airsoft like it's a crime, look airsoft guns and toy guns aren't bad, it's the idiots that use them that are bad.
As you notice, I'm calmer then my last post because airsoft is a new thing to me, I didn't grow up on it. I don't know where these news casters are from but to the news casters in Utah (also in Fox News) it's rather cool.
I just want these people to do a little research before they decide to attack something. Take a trip out to an airsoft game and talk to some of the people there.
What?! Two posts in the same month?!?
15 years ago
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