Einsturzende Neubauten - HALBER MENSCH
This is my first E.N. album and I must say it is an awesome album to start out with. It has the musical stylings of F.M. Enheit heard throughout. For those of you unfamiliar with him, this means that there is a lot of "stomp" oriented music (i.e. metal pipes etc). The album begins with the title track, which happens to be an amazing, yet eerie cantata. Female vocalists saying "Halber Mensch!" while other male vocalists join in at different times saying, "Halber Mensch" there are other lyrics included that are done terrifically. Lots of excellent percussion and bass going on. Because this is my first E.N. album and it tends to stray a bit far from the industrial music I'm used to it's a little hard to listen to, though as I listen to it more and more I love it more and more. Get this album if you're interested in branching out your industrial roots.

PIG - No One Gets Out of Her Alive
As I continue to complete my PIG collection I end up buying these albums with such colorful fun titles. If you're into the new PIG stuff (Sinsation/Prime Evil) this will be right down your alley. The title track reminds me a bit of their song "F.O.M." where it begins very intense and you think "Oh damn, this is gonna be intense" and then it gets suddenly quiet for the verses and somewhat loud for the choruses. Well that's how the title track works and it works quite well. After that comes "Jump the Gun" which has the greatest backing vocals and chorus I've ever heard. It's dark and rather comedic... in a dark fashion. The song begins with, "Fee Fi Fo Fum, Jump the gun, Kill and Come" it might not sound intense, but that's because you have to hear it. The rest of the tracks on the CD are amazing, even the remixes! Get this if you're a PIG collector/fanatic!

KMFDM - Blitz
I was not to fond of their previous album Tohuvabohu, but when I saw it at Best Buy I figured, what the heck why not. As I listened to this I realize this is not Tohuvabohu, it's awesome! Lucia's vocals are in-fucking-credible! I've never heard her sing like this before. "Bait and Switch" and "Strut" are probably the best tracks on the album right next to "Potz Blitz". "Strut" is like an 80s dance song with a KMFDM kick to it, which makes it awesome. "Potz Blitz" reminds me of "Saft und Kraft" which is a good thing. It's got that heavy metal sound to it that makes great and creates some diversity in the album. It's also kind of like PIG's "F.O.M." where it's intense during certain parts and quiet during the verses, which is fine if you do it right... which they did. "Bait and Switch" is just fantastic... that's all I can really say, Lucia's vocals made my jaw drop they were so good. The title track is awesome and hilarious. It's called "Symbol" because it is a symbol which according to the chorus is called "Up Uranus" or "Up Your Anus" which ever you prefer. The beginning of the track has a sample of system control during a space launch counting down along with the songs tempo, which is cool. If there's one thing to not like about this album it's "Bitches". I don't much care for the lyrics at all. Great album altogether, if you were disappointed like I was with Tohuvabohu, have no fear Blitz is here!