Okay, so I have to put out an apology. I said I was going to post a video blog this weekend, but I can't. my camera and dazzle are being stupid right now and therefore I'm in too much of a pissy mood to try and upload it again. So with that said I'll just quickly post what I said on that.
In addition to my music that I got I bought an electric drum kit and a mic stand. Both are equally awesome and the employee that helped me out at Sam Ash was very cool. The electric drum kit I got is very low end, but I don't care. I got it because doing percussion on a synth sucks. So onto music.
First up is "Poke in the Eye... with a Sharp Stick" by PIG... the cassette. Every track on this album rocks! They're all different in their own way, one is slow jazz while another is latin followed by a rock song, I love it. The sound quality is outstanding! It's like the band is in my room playing right next to me. This cassette has inspired me to buy more cassettes, which I will! Overall, it kicks ass and I recommend it to ANYONE so long as you can find it (either LP, CD, or Cassette).
Next up we have "Prime Evil" another PIG album, this time a CD. This album is rumored to be one of PIG's worst albums, though when listening to it you have to bare in mind that the tracks were only half done when the album was published. The reason I had gotten this was because I am collecting the PIG discography. On this album we have a cover of Black Sabbath's "War Pigs" which is pretty good. There's too much tech for a Black Sabbath cover, but where it fails it makes up for with the chorus. I'm not a big Black Sabbath fan, but when I heard the chorus I started chanting it in my head. In addition to this there's the track "Prime Evil" and "Keeper of the Margarita". Both are pretty good, but "Keeper of the Margarita" is probably the best track on this album. It has a main synth line with some classical chorus vocals and very garage percussion, which may sound bad together, but it's actually really satisfying. The rest of the tracks are remixes and.... well... they're not that good. Enough said. I'd recommend this album to strict PIG fans.
Finally (I just got Caustic Grip so I've had no time to listen to it) we have "Provision" which is a single by Front Line Assembly, so this one will be quick. It's classic Front Line Assembly, which is good, you got nice synth lines partnered with Bill Leeb's distorted voice and the percussion. It's calm industrial with this suttle intensity. The first track "Provision" reminds me a lot of old Command & Conquer music and how it's got this heavy rhythmic percussion and prominant synth lines that spew emotion. That is why I love this track, it's like a Command & Conquer song.... but with vocals. The last track on the single (told you it would be quick) is "Overkill (Surge Mix)" and it's got this very rapid punk percussion, which I'm not a big fan of. The synth lines in the background were essentially trying to keep up with the percussion, while the vocals were not that good. With that said, "Overkill (Surge Mix)" is the worst of Front Line Assembly tracks that I've heard. Overall... well... half was awesome and half was bad, I don't know what that averages out to I suck at math.
What?! Two posts in the same month?!?
15 years ago
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