So I have seen ads for this upcoming show on the history channel called "Nostradamus 2012" and it's supposed to be about how he predicted the world will end in 2012 and so did the Mayans. I wanna know what possessed these morons to even produce this show. Don't they realize that some of us value life and would like to not have to worry about dying? I mean seriously, how stupid can these twats be? It's like how Al Gore told us about global warming in a movie, except a thousand times worse. If they are that out of ideas then start re-running programs or think of something cool like the history of.... video games or.... movies or something that has nothing to do with the world ending. I guarantee the only reason they decided to actual air this crap is for ratings. If you're that desperate then you need to take a truck load of Prozac and chill out and realize that the History channel will not be going down the drain. They had cool programs like WW2 history, the Vietnam footage DVD that I never got the chance to actually buy, and that show that talked about the relations of Star Wars to Greek mythology and WW2. So my question is.... why can't we just enjoy life without you guys coming in to ruin it? You're like Buzz Killington! You may as well come along and say, "Guess what we just made cancer air born and contagious!" (Patton Oswalt).
Tell me am I the only one whose brain functions anymore!?!?!?!?
What?! Two posts in the same month?!?
15 years ago
Wellll actually, I'm really interested in seeing that program.
It would be stupid of them not to make this show, with all the hype about the new movie, people are going to want to want to know more about it (the smart people, not the idiots who think a movie fails if it doesn't have things exploding every 5 minutes). Honestly I'm more afraid of being hit by a car or running into people in hallways than the world ending.
WW2 and Vietnam is so very overdone. Honestly the only people who care now are stupid 13 year olds and senile 70 year olds.
I had no idea they were making a movie. I have a feeling they just want to make us insecure and scared.
World War 2 does need to stop, but I have not heard of anything Vietnam since... probably "We Were Soldiers" or "Forrest Gump."
Well, its not a movie made by the history channel, its a theatrical movie. But still, thats why they're making this show now.
Yeah, I know that.
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