Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The World is Becoming a William Gibson Novel

Today I read an article on CNN about a guy who had lost his eye in a childhood accident and now has a prosthetic eye. What makes this story interesting is that he is working with tech specialists to put a camera in his prosthetic eye and to hook it up to nerves so that he can see again. It's a really cool article (Link at the bottom) and it made me realize that our world is slowly turning into a William Gibson novel. Soon plastic surgery will be out of style and soon we'll all be focused on getting new cybernetic implants and drug dealing will turn into RAM dealing. I think these old cyberpunk authors are right about our future. I haven't read any Phillip K. Dick so I can really throw in any ideas from his novels.
I don't know, I just thought this was really cool and decided to give my thoughts on our future. As for cities being covered in Neon Japanese... I don't know and I honestly doubt that. Anywho, you can find the article here:

1 comment:

John said...

This is awesome news. I cannot wait to see how it works for this guy. The idea of cybernetic implants get me so giddy :)