Friday, January 16, 2009

Nazi Zombies

So I was at a party tonight and had the most fun playing a mini-game ever!
My friend simply said to me, "We're playing Nazi Zombies." I was rather perplexed but went along with it. When the games main menu popped up it said, "Call of Duty World at War" and I was even more perplexed, soon he got to the multiplayer screen and we began to play Nazi Zombies. I thought it would be like Left 4 Dead, but set in WWII, but I was so completely wrong! The object of the game is really to survive as long as you can while maintaining and rebuilding the barricades of the building you're trapped in. While this is all happening Nazi Zombies are rushing the building. Now at the party there were girls that were pacifists and easily scared so we were all screaming and shouting to get them freaked out, which made the game more fun. it also turned these pacifists into killing machines. After you kill a certain amount of zombies you can get some power ups like Max Ammo, Instant Kill, and x2 Points. Overall the game presents an awesome challenge that can become a great party game. If they made Nazi Zombies a stand alone online PC game, I would buy it in a heart beat.

I give Nazi Zombies a 10 out of 10.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

That is Not the Best live Album! (And other business)

So I went on to UGO and saw they had a list of the best live albums and they had some pretty good on the list like Johnny Cash, Daft Punk, Bruce Springsteen, and The Clash. Those awesome bands were no where near the top though, the best live album according to UGO is Nirvana - "MTV Unplugged" I saw that and it was the biggest piece of crap ever! Honestly! They forgot about some bands who are back from the dead like Front 242 and KMFDM who made some awesome live CDs.

Now KMFDM brings me to the next topic, the new album "Blitz" is up for pre-order on Metropolis's website. The album doesn't come out until March though, so we have a ways to go. The album art is amazing which is why I'm gonna wait until they make T-Shirts to get the album. More info on the album here:

Thursday, January 8, 2009

A Quickie

So I got my new synthesizer, which is a Novation Xiosynth. I love it to death. It is absolutely awesome, It has 200 sounds programmed into it with bonus CDs to program more stuff into it. It's got pitch and modulation levers as well as a speed knob and many various other FX knobs that I have yet to figure out what they do. So I ended up making two songs for my first album, which will not only be sold here in the United States, but also in Italy. You can hear my music at:
The song "Daft Individuals [Rough Demo Mix]" is from the single that will follow shortly after and will be exclusive to American listeners. I plan on making three more songs over the weekend at maximum, two at minimum. I did get a guitarrist and I can't wait to work with him as well!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Nostradamus 20-shut the hell up!

So I have seen ads for this upcoming show on the history channel called "Nostradamus 2012" and it's supposed to be about how he predicted the world will end in 2012 and so did the Mayans. I wanna know what possessed these morons to even produce this show. Don't they realize that some of us value life and would like to not have to worry about dying? I mean seriously, how stupid can these twats be? It's like how Al Gore told us about global warming in a movie, except a thousand times worse. If they are that out of ideas then start re-running programs or think of something cool like the history of.... video games or.... movies or something that has nothing to do with the world ending. I guarantee the only reason they decided to actual air this crap is for ratings. If you're that desperate then you need to take a truck load of Prozac and chill out and realize that the History channel will not be going down the drain. They had cool programs like WW2 history, the Vietnam footage DVD that I never got the chance to actually buy, and that show that talked about the relations of Star Wars to Greek mythology and WW2. So my question is.... why can't we just enjoy life without you guys coming in to ruin it? You're like Buzz Killington! You may as well come along and say, "Guess what we just made cancer air born and contagious!" (Patton Oswalt).
Tell me am I the only one whose brain functions anymore!?!?!?!?