Sunday, December 7, 2008

Free Stuff and What-Not

So lately I've been having a lot of good luck. I'm getting free album art from Robert Kyrzkowski (Elsie Hooper), I got a free "Baader-Meinhof" sticker from a website, and now I'm getting a free CD from the band Parsley Flakes. I am very thankful for this right now. Why I had to tell you guys this, I don't know, but whatever.
I did find a game to play and it is called "7 Days a Skeptic" and is made by the charismatic stallion known as Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw (Zero Punctuation). I had played the first title in the series called "Five Days a Stranger" and it was a creepy adventure game. The sequel is "7 Days a Skeptic" which I find kind of weird, but I can work with it. The game takes place in the future aboard a spacecraft. Weird things happen and as the Psychologist it is your job to make sense of it all and fight off the evil. I must say it is very creepy for a 16-bit adventure game. I will continually plays this and once I beat it I'll either continue onto the final game or choose another one of Ben's games.
I am dedicating this month's posts and next month's posts to a friend of mine who has had the opposite luck of me. Now cue up "Bloody Tears" (Castlevania) to set the depressing mood. He broke his ankle, he was in a cast for awhile, then he got Das Boot, now he's in another cast (a brace I think). He recently got into an accident, thank GOD he is alright, the other person is alright, both cars are alright, a little damage to his car. Just this weekend his laptop blew up, so he is without a computer or the internet, his cell phone battery died, his car battery died.


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