So I was at a friends' house today, he had gotten Force Unleashed, a game the both of us were looking forward to for a LONG time. He had told me how incredible it was when we were at school and I was excited to go play it. So when I started playing I figured out how to move and all that. The first thing that pissed me off was the camera. Good Lord. The right analog stick (PS3 version mind you) controls the camera so if you neglect that analog stick the camera embeds itself in a near by pile of rubble. Even worse is during the boss battles the camera stays in one position and you cannot move it period and when you have a metal titan attacking you you have no idea where you are. Speaking of not knowing where you are the lighting is so dark that I cannot see the main character or the environments a flood light would help. Going back to boss battles, they drag on FOR-EVER. The first boss battle I fought was on the scrap metal planet (or whatever it was) and I must've been playing fighting that Jedi for about a good thirty minutes, then when you are about to kill him you get the "God of War" button sequence finishing moves thing. After that thirty minute boss battle I had my cheek resting in the palm of my hand while my right hand was preforming the button sequence. Here's some B.S. for ya... kind of... in a boss battle I force pushed the boss off a ledge into some deep ass pit no one would survive. I thought, awesome, that was an easy kill, but I was wrong, the Jedi jumps back up onto the cliff unharmed, I pushed her off the cliff about three more times and into another deep pit three more times. By the way, the main character does not seem like a bad ass, he needs a scar across his eye and a deep gravely voice.
But it's not all bad. The story is unique, the level design and puzzle solving is pretty cool too. Except as I got further into the game I ended up avoiding almost every enemy, running past them, to complete my main objective. Using the force to push open, pull open, and destroy doors was pretty cool. Using the force to throw stormtroopers into other stormtroopers was friggin awesome. I also got to throw turrets into stormtroopers and then force push the stormtrooper into a pit. That's where the game excels, your options on how you want to kill someone. It's incredible. Another cool thing about the game is that you can change your costume and lightsaber color any time you want to.
All in all, I'm disappointed. When I saw the Euphoria engine trailer and then the E3 trailer I had high hopes/expectations for this game. Once I played it it just seemed to be Dynasty Warriors with Jedi and Sith. One thing I wished they had done was composed their own music, I'm kind of tired of hearing the same Star Wars scores recycled over and over again. Anyways, onto my score...
I give Force Unleashed a 7 out of 10.
...Jedi Outcast is better than this, believe it or not.
What?! Two posts in the same month?!?
15 years ago
1 comment:
Wow, I was not expecting that at all. That sucks.
I'll have to play it and see how I like it.
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