KMFDM is my favorite band, the main member is Sascha Konietzko who was born in Hamburg, Germany some time ago. Upon them breaking up (which they later reformed a few years later) they released an album called Adios. People had realized that Adios was released on Adolf Hitler's birthday, which wasn't intentional, it was all by coincidence and people automatically assumed that KMFDM was a band of Nazis. They aren't! Are you friggin' kidding me!? I can't really back up my views, but I am friends with Sascha, he isn't a Nazi.
Another contraversy was that Eric Harris, one of the shooters in the Columbine shooting, had posted lyrics from a few of KMFDM songs (this includes: "Anarchy", "Power", "Son of a Gun", "Waste", and "Stray Bullet") on his website. Again these idiots who blamed the shooting on Manson also blamed the shooting on KMFDM. Sascha Konietzko said the day after:
First and foremost, KMFDM would like to express their deep and heartfelt sympathy for the parents, families and friends of the murdered and injured children in Littleton. We are sick and appalled, as is the rest of the nation, by what took place in Colorado yesterday.
KMFDM are an art form — not a political party. From the beginning, our music has been a statement against war, oppression, fascism and violence against others. While some of the former band members are German as reported in the media, none of us condone any Nazi beliefs whatsoever.
The most recent incident was in November of 2007 with a shooting in a Finland school. Someone had made a video of the shooting (imbecile) and put the song "Stray Bullet" in the background.
Okay, seriously, what the hell. Do you people even know what "Stray Bullet" is about? Obviously not.
OMG, I just want to punch the people in the face that write this crap. What the hell is with everyone blaming peoples' actions on video games, music, tv, etc.
These people don't take the time to actually learn the reasons people do what they do and use stupid stereotypes as their arguments.
"Hmmm, some of the members of KMFDM are German, that MUST mean they're Nazis!! This kid that shot up his school played counterstrike, video games are OBVIOUSLY dangerous!.
These people need to get a friggen life and stop making false accusations like this.
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